Technology Then and Now
The term “Information Technology” has been around since the 1980s but technology itself is much older. Technology is the term we use for all inventions that make us more productive. Computers and their accessories definitely make us more productive and allow us to create and manage businesses in this Age of Information. Let’s take a look at technology then and compare it to how we use it now.
It’s interesting to see how far IT has come since the start. This makes it easier to imagine how far we can go with technology in the future.

Technology Then and Now
1. The Computer
The very first computer was built by Vladimir Sergeevich Lukyanov in 1936. Solving problems with a machine was impressive enough during The Great Depression. However, the most impressive thing about this early technology is that it ran on water. This structure continued to be used for about thirty years until digital computers became more convenient. Now, we have digital computers in our pockets.
2. The Keyboard
The QWERTY Keyboard was actually meant to slow down the typing speed of the individual. This is because the metal prongs on early typewriters would get jammed if you typed too fast. It also raised the risk of mistakes and there wasn’t a backspace button back then. The keyboard layout that we currently use was meant to slow us down but people today brag about being able to type 80WPM or higher.
3. The Mouse
The first computer mouse was called ‘X-Y Position Indicator for Display Systems’. It was invented in 1960 at the Stanford Research Institute. It looked quite different than the ones we use now but the overall objective was the same. The ‘X-Y Position Indicator for Display Systems’ was first called a “mouse” because of the wire that looked like a mouse’s tail when it was used for the first time in 1968. Now, most computer mouses are wireless but we still use the same animal-like term.
4. The Webpage
On August 6th, 1991, the world’s first webpage made its premiere on the World Wide Web. It was made by Tim Berners-Lee and you can still visit it today. Ironically it outlined how to create web pages and you can still visit it today here. Now there are millions of web pages available for sharing information, selling products, and more.
5. The Firewall
Early on, it was made known that people could obtain unauthorized information from the internet. The first firewall was made in 1990 and checked packets of information transferred from computers to the internet. In the beginning, firewalls were only able to sift through three layers of the operating system. Now we are up to seven layers with specific search parameters that can prevent data breaches and secure your information.
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